4월, 2017의 게시물 표시

Withdrawal of the EN 1836 Sunglasses Standard and its Replacement by Two New EN ISO Standards 12311, 12312

Withdrawal of the EN 1836 Sunglasses Standard and its Replacement by Two New EN ISO Standards 12311, 12312 The long standing EN standard for Sunglasses i.e. EN 1836 Personal Eye Equipment – Sunglasses and Sunglare Filters for General Use and Filters for Direct Observation of the Sun is being replaced by the following two standards: • EN ISO 12311: 2013 – Personal Protective Equipment – Test Methods for Sunglasses and Related Equipment. • EN ISO 12312 -1: 2013 – Eye and Face Protection –Sunglasses and Related Eyewear – Part 1 Sunglasses for General Use. NB.   EN ISO 12312 – 2 is in preparation. This standard will apply to filters for direct observation of the sun such as during a solar eclipse. The old EN 1836 standard covered requirements for filters that could be used for direct observation of the sun in addition to normal sunglass filter usage. BS EN 1836 was withdrawn on the 30th of September 2013.Other conflicting national standards have to be withdrawn by February 201

KS Certificate Overview

KS Certificate Overview  KS Overview • The KS certification system is intended to qualitatively guarantee products produced by manufacturers with advanced technical & quality management capacities, and that meet Korean industrial standards, for consumer interest protection, according to Articles 11 to 13 of the Industrial Standardization Act, reviewed by examiners and determined to conform in terms of QC and technical sustainability. Qualifying sectors and articles A (fundamental), B (machinery), C (electronics), D (metals), E (mining), F (construction), G (sundry goods), H (foodstuffs), I (environment), J (biotech), K (fabric), L (pottery), M (chemicals), P (medical), Q (quality management), R (transport), S (services), T (logistics), V (shipbuilding), W (aviation), X (information) Work Flow Certification review team organization The certification review team consists of two members from the certification agency and designated review agency, resp

KCC (Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Registration)

KCC (Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Registration)  Overview Information & communications equipment are subject to mandatory certification according to Article 46 and Article 57 of the Radio Waves Act and Article 33 of the Fundamental Electronic Communications Act. Eligible manufacturers, importers or distributors shall label certified equipment according to Article 3 of Certification Rules for Information & Communication Equipment. With increasing demands in electric or electronic appliances, electromagnetic compatibility registration is intended to protect users or consumers from or to minimize vital or material damages, communicational interference with other items and mechanical misuses. Target devices devices with more than one terminal port which serve to input, output, store, retrieve, transmit or control data & communicating messages, except for wireless items with 600 voltage or lower power supplies, including computers and peripherals, in

Korea Certificate (Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation)

Korea Certificate (Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation) Overview The voluntary safety check is intended for industrial product manufacturers or importers to commit a designated testing agency to carry out safety testing prior to product distribution or customs clearance , and report the test results to a safety certification agency, to prevent injuries from potential hazards due to their structure, materials or uses. - Industrial product safety management system FAQ - Quality Management & Industrial Products Safety Management Acts - Quality Management & Industrial Products Safety Management Act Enforcement Ordinances - Quality Management & Industrial Products Safety Management Act Enforcement Rules Voluntary safety check reporting and revision charges Notice Qualifying Items (extended) Revised voluntary safety check report 20,000KRW Voluntary safety check report (for other articles) Other agency test results 50,000KRW V

Korea Certificate Mandatory (Electric Appliances Safety)

Korea Certificate Mandatory (Electric Appliances Safety) Regime Overview  Compulsory certification In order to prevent consumers from potential hazards such as a fire or a electric shock, the Electrical appliances which are sold and manufactured are controlled in accordance with Article 3 of Enforcement Rules of the Electrical Appliances Safety Control Act Application procedure Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation System • The self-regulatory safety confirmation system is intended for electrical appliances according to Paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Act aforementioned, and is applicable to the manufacture and sale of those products which are subject to self regulation safety confirmation according to Paragraph 2 of Article 3 of Enforcement Rules of the said Act. • Application procedure 1. Voluntary safety check application form 2. Voluntary safety check report for electric appliances 3. Applicable articles for voluntary safety checks Multiple ce

KOREA Certification (SAFETY Certification)

KOREA  Certification (SAFETY Certification) Overview Manufacturers both local and foreign shall be subject to safety certification (factory inspection & product testing) under control of the safety certification agency prior to distribution or customs clearance of products if they are suspected to cause damage to people, property, orthe natural environment due to their structure, materials, or use. Routine inspection: more than one time per year - Industrial product safety management system FAQ - Quality Management and Industrial Products Safety Management Act - Quality Management and Industrial Products Safety Management Enforcement Ordinances - Quality Management and Industrial Products Safety Management Enforcement Rules Qualifying sectors and articles 1. False eyelashes 2. Recapped automotive tires 3. 가Household pressure pots & pans 4. Cutter blades for mower Documents required Safety certification application( (Attached sheet

Introduction of CDM

Introduction of CDM A mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol, the purpose of which, in accordance with Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, is to assist Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention, and to assist Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under Article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol. JI(Joint Implementation) : This mechanism allows a country with an emission reduction or limitation commitment    under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Party) to earn emission reduction units (ERUs) from an emission-reduction or    emission removal project in another Annex B Party, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2, which can be counted    towards meeting its Kyoto target. ET(Emissions Trading) : this mechanism allows countries with emission units to spare - emissions permitted, but not    "used" - to sell excess

ANATEL - fixed-satellite service satellite networks

ANATEL Please be advised that Resolution No. 676 of April 7, 2017 was included, which came in response to Public Consultation No. 13 of June 13, 2016. It limits the use of the radio frequency bands from 18.1 GHz to 18.6 GHz and from 27.9 GHz to 28.4 GHz to fixed-satellite service satellite networks and makes other arrangements. Note: - This new Resolution resolves: Article 1 To limit the use of the radio frequency bands from 18.1 GHz to 18.6 GHz and from 27.9 GHz to 28.4 GHz to fixed-satellite service. Art. 2 To determine the inclusion in the Plan for the Allocation, Destination and Distribution of Frequency Banners in Brazil (PDFF) of Brazilian Note B9, with the following wording: "B9 - The use of radio frequency bands from 18.1 GHz to 18.6 GHz and from 27.9 GHz to 28.4 GHz is limited to satellite networks of the Fixed Satellite Service." Art. 3 - To determine that new authorizations for the use of radiofrequency are not issued, new stations are licensed or

PPE Regulation Category Annex I

PPE Regulation Category Annex I ANNEX I RISK CATEGORIES OF PPE This Annex lays down the categories of risk against which PPE is intended to protect users. Category I Category I includes exclusively the following minimal risks: (a) superficial mechanical injury; (b) contact with cleaning materials of weak action or prolonged contact with water; (c) contact with hot surfaces not exceeding 50 °C; (d) damage to the eyes due to exposure to sunlight (other than during observation of the sun); (e) atmospheric conditions that are not of an extreme nature. Category II Category II includes risks other than those listed in Categories I and III; Category III Category III includes exclusively the risks that may cause very serious consequences such as death or irreversible damage to health relating to the following: (a) substances and mixtures which are hazardous to health; (b) atmospheres with oxygen deficiency; (c) harmful b