Grid Code Compliance at low-voltage level (GCC) / EZE/EZA certification (medium voltage) / BG certification of electrical equipment


The certification body certifies electrical equipment for the non-regulated area according to the standard ISO 17065. It verifies the conformity of the products to be certified by nationally and internationally recognized standards and guidelines. No design consultancy is provided.
A certification process starts with the application. Once our experts have examined your request, we will send you a confirmation of your order. Then you have to provide all necessary documentation and information. A contract that regulates the relationship between applicant and certifcation body is concluded. In case that your product has not been tested yet, we can perform the necessary conformity tests in our independent and accredited test laboratory. Once the certification is completed a certificate will be issued that is monitored by the certification body.

Primara offers you three certification programs:

Worldwide there exist a variety of standards and guidelines for the use of decentralized own generation units and facilities. In accordance with the grid codes of various network operators and associations, the conformity of these codes is confirmed in order to ensure a fluent grid connection of the plant. 
You can find an overview of all standards here.

Our certification program encompasses all kinds of decentralized generation units according to FGW TR8. In addition to the certificate of conformity on the basis of type approval according to FGW TR3, a validation of the generating unit according to FGW TR4 is carried out. This certification program is used to confirm compliance with the BDEW directive for generating units at the medium voltage grid. Certification of electrical properties of decentralized generating units and facilities ensures that your product is compliant with the grid codes and that it does not deteriorate the grid quality.

3. BG certification of electrical equipment
The "Bauart geprüft" (BG) certification of electrical equipment ensures that your product complies with all safety standards relevant for intended use. 
Through our certification mark and the annual factory inspection you show conformity awareness and increase the quality of your product.

What does "Bauart Geprüft" mean?
The optional Primara "Bauart geprüft" (BG) mark confirms that the product comply with the technical safety requirements. The production of this product will be inspected in the factory of the manufacturer on a regular basis.
Thereby the Primara BG mark makes an important contribution to consumer protection. It ensures that safe products come on the market.
With the BG mark you show conformity awareness and you are silhouetted against your competitors.
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our BG mark


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