Cosmetics Certificate of Free Sales (CFS) 화장품
Cosmetics Certificate of Free Sales (CFS) 화장품
The Certificate of Free Sales (CFS) is an official document , and required for export in some sixty countries, including heavy weights like China, Brazil and Russia.
EU 화장품 Free Sales Certificate 를 발급하기 위해서는 사전에 다음의 사항이 준비되어 있어야만 합니다.
The CFS can be delivered for a cosmetic product only if it meets the following requirements :
- - EU 화장품 규제 만족, PIF 파일, CPNP 포탈에 통지 완료 It is compliant with the EU cosmetic products regulation, has a PIF and is notified on the CPNP portal
- It has been made in EU or it is under the responsibility of a society (responsible person) which is located in France or in the European Union
- It is effectively commercialized on the EU market and / or in the European Union, or, if its purpose is not to be placed on these markets, it is in compliance with Regulation
- It has been certified by declarations relating both to the company and to the product
Very Respectfully
I will take care of overseas trouble
about exporting products.
Researcher JJ, Park
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